Chromatography, Thermal Analysis and Electrochemistry Unit

The Chromatography, Thermal Analysis and Electrochemistry Unit supports ICIQ researchers in the mentioned techniques. The Unit technicians manage open use instrumentation such as glove boxes and solvent purification systems, micro and submicro balances, two melting point apparatus, a vapour pressure osmometer, a centrifuge and a freeze dryer. The Unit also gives support in the use of the chromatographs and glove boxes belonging to research groups.
In 2014, the unit incorporated a new HPLC equipped with a single quadrupole MSD. It also made available the use of supercritical fluid chromatography for chiral separations.
- An Agilent Technologies® HPLC/DAD chromatograph and an Agilent Technologies® HPLC/MS chromatograph.
- Two Agilent Technologies® GC/MS chromatograph and an Agilent Technologies® GC/FID and TCD chromatographs.
- A semi preparative HPLC/UV-Vis (Waters® Delta 600).
- A preparative HPLC/UV-Vis (Waters® 2545).
- A Microcal® VP-ITC isothermal titration microcalorimeter.
- A Mettler Toledo® DSC 822e differential scanning calorimeter.
- A Mettler Toledo® SDTA 851e thermo balance.
- A Princeton Applied Research® PARSTAT 2273 potentiostat/galvanostat.
- A BioLogic® SP-150 potentiostat with low current option and external power booster.
- Five MBraun® UNILAB glove boxes.
- Four dry solvent dispensers (three from Innovative Technologies® and one from MBraun®)