Scientific production

In 2014 ICIQ topped international rankings measuring scientific excellence.

According to the 2014 SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR), the ICIQ led the Spanish research institutions ranking of excellence. This indicator represents the amount (in %) of an institution’s scientific output that is included into the set of the 10 % of the most cited papers in their respective scientific fields. The ratio of excellence is a measure of high quality output of research institutions, as described by SCImago Research Group. The SIR also placed ICIQ as the leading government research centre worldwide according to the ratio of Excellence with Leadership. This ratio indicates the amount of documents in the Excellence rate in which the institution is the main contributor.

In 2014, the web application Mapping Scientific Excellence ranks ICIQ in first position on “Best Paper Rate”(Proportion of highly cited papers published by an institution) and second on “Best Journal Rate” (ratio of papers published in the most influential journals) in the field of Chemistry worldwide.

ICIQ’s privileged position in these two lists confirms the Institute’s strong evolution towards scientific excellence since the beginning of its research activities in 2004. Since then, ICIQ has published more than 1000 scientific articles. About 90 % of them have been published in the most influential chemical research journals in the world, those ranked in the first quartile (25 %).