ICIQ is Accredited as Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence
In March 2014, ICIQ was accredited as a “Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence” by the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation from Mineco (Ministry of Economy and Competitiviness). The Severo Ochoa accreditation recognizes units and research centers that excel for being situated among the best in the world in their respective fields of research. Being recognized as a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence is not only a recognition of scientific excellence but also a significant source of funding. This recognition represents an annual allocation of 1 million euros during a period of 4 years.
The Severo Ochoa accreditation will allow ICIQ to develop a strategic project in the area of catalysis. The project deals with the discovery of catalysts for generating fuel (hydrogen) through water splitting using solar energy and the discovery of catalysts for converting molecules which have a strong environmental impact (such as CO2 and fluoroform) or which have low reactivity (such as methane) into molecules of interest for the chemical and energy industry.
It will also allow ICIQ to consolidate its Starting Career Programme and to launch an international mobility programme for PhD students. Moreover the Severo Ochoa award gives ICIQ the chance of setting a training programme for postdoctoral researchers.